Welcome to Home of Hockey party on Wednesday 10 at Frenckell square

The City of Tampere organizes the Home of Hockey party at Frenckell square on Wednesday 10 May from 6 pm to 7 pm as a kickoff for the 2023 Ice Hockey World Championship.
The free-of-charge event will feature live music including Reino Nordin and Costi. DJ Juissi will start the party with a DJ set at 5.30 pm. Finland’s ice hockey team will also go on stage to greet the crowd. The event is hosted by Pauliina Puurila and Mikko Töyssy.
The city welcomes everyone to celebrate the homecoming of ice hockey.
Exceptions in traffic arrangements
The pedestrian pavement between Aleksis Kiven katu and Satakunta bridge will be closed on 10 May at from 7 am to 11 pm. Aleksis Kiven katu will also be closed at 5 pm and opened approximately at 19.30 or when the closed area can be opened to traffic. The closure starts from the office building, Virastotalo (Aleksis Kiven katu 14-16 C).
Parking in the Frenckell square parking lot will be prohibited at 5 pm to 7.30 pm or when the area has been cleared.
The Frenckell car park will be closed from approximately 7 am to 7.30 pm or when the area has been cleared.
Molin parking lot will be closed on 10 May at 7 am until the end of the championship.
Parking areas at Frenckell Square are closed due to the celebration, so those coming to the venue are advised to use public transport or get there by foot.
News item edited on 5 May at 1 pm: DJ Juissi will start the party with a DJ set at 5.30 pm.
Saara Saarteinen
Event Manager
040 801 6222
Petteri Hietanen
Finnish Ice Hockey Association
040 596 9660