City of Tampere offers access to Ice Hockey World Championship matches to different target groups

The City of Tampere will co-host the men’s 2023 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship on May 12-28 with Riga, the capital of Latvia. The city is making World Championship tickets available to several groups who might not otherwise have the opportunity to attend the games. Such groups include schoolchildren, students, elderly people, and immigrants.
To celebrate the return of World Cup hockey, the City of Tampere aims to build a community-based World Championship for all city residents. The championship hype will be built up throughout the spring with the familiar Home of the Hockey theme and hockey-related special programme.
In addition, as part of the community hockey season, the city will provide access to the Championship games for specific target groups. During the spring, tickets will be available to customers of Lähitori senior service, schoolchildren, target groups of social and health services, customers of family support centers and youth centers, food distribution clients, immigrants, and students.
The city will distribute a total of 8000 tickets to Championship matches. No tickets will be distributed for matches where Finland’s home hockey team plays.
– As we witnessed last spring, the Ice Hockey World Championship is a shared joy for the whole of Tampere. We want to enable an unforgettable Championship experience for as many people as possible, this year as well, says Juha Yli-Rajala, Group chief executive of the City of Tampere.
A portion of the tickets will be distributed through various campaigns that will be launched during March and April in different city services.
Follow these channels to stay tuned for the Ice Hockey World Championship ticket campaigns. Note that some campaigns will be conducted in Finnish only.
Primary Schools
- Opi.sivut
- Instagram @lupaliikkualupaharrastaa
Tampere Universities
- Tuudo app
- Instagram @tamkparvi
- Instagram @tampereuni
- Instagram @navigaattori_tampereuni
- Instagram @tamk_uas
Opiskelijan Tampere
- Instagram @opiskelijantampere
- Facebook @opiskelijantampere
Wellbeign Services County of Pirkanmaa
- Instagram @pirkanmaanhyvinvointialue
- Twitter @pirkanmaanhyvinvointialue
- Facebook @pirkanmaanhyvinvointialue
- TikTok @NuortenTampere
- Instagram @NuortenTampere
The accessibility of the games is also supported by the public transport travel right included in the match ticket. Admission tickets for the matches of the 2023 Men’s World Hockey Championships played in Tampere include the right to travel on public transport Nysse.
Matilda Salminen
040 586 6453