Home of the Hockey clean-up campaign launched on May Day

On Friday 29 April, the city of Tampere launched a clean-up campaign to encourage the entire city community and hockey fans to keep the Home of Hockey clean during the 2022 Ice hockey world championship. The campaign was launched on Friday 29th April, just before May Day celebrations and will run throughout May.
– Extra litter bins will be brought first to Koskipuisto, Kirjastopuisto and Sorsapuisto for the May day bash, and some will remain there. We will decorate the bins with Home of Hockey stickers and our message to everyone is: “Let’s keep the home of hockey clean”. If companies and individuals take their own responsibility and always put their own rubbish in the bin, there will be no mess, says Saara Saarteinen, Event Manager of the City of Tampere.
The city provides 129 additional litter bins in the city center, 40 of which will be placed around the Central Square’s Kesäkeidas Summer Terrace Restaurants and the rest in the rest of the city center. The bins will be emptied daily during the championship, if necessary. The streets will also be brushed every day during the games. Weekend clean-ups started on 30 April. Public toilets will be cleaned three times a day during May.
Tampere is investing in cleaning up the city by hiring sustainability agents for the whole summer. The first team of sustainability agents will start work during the opening week of the World Cup on 9 May. Their task is to collect rubbish and to make observations and report on cleanliness. They will also be participating in the cleanliness campaign by encouraging citizens to take a responsible approach to environmental cleanliness.
Citizens can also participate in a clean-up event organized by Ekokumppanit on Saturday 7th of May. You can register for the clean-up event by filling out this online form.
Contact information
Event Manager
Saara Saarteinen
p. +35840 801 6222
e-mail: Saara.Saarteinen@tampere.fi
Work manager
Teemu Kylmäkoski
p. +35840 801 6376
e-mail: Teemu.Kylmakoski@tampere.fi