Children's gallery: Babies' Colour Immersion art

11.5.2024 - 20.6.2024
00.00 - 00.00
Kulttuuritalo Laikku, Keskustori 4, Tampere

The Children's Gallery's last spring exhibition period is dedicated to the youngest artists! The gallery displays works created during the babies' colour immersion course.

The Children's Gallery's last spring exhibition period is dedicated to the youngest artists!

The gallery displays works created during the babies' colour immersion course. The artists in the exhibition are aged between four and fourteen months. Babies' colour immersion is a multi-sensory art workshop developed by Pori Children's Culture Center, where you feel and observe different colors, feelings and create your own impression.

The exhibition is open during the opening hours of Culture House Laikku.

In 2024, Tampere's children's culture brings children's art to public space, and Laikku's exhibitions are one part of this goal.
Exhibitions of the children's and young people's gallery on the 2nd floor of Laikku:
19.1.-27.2. Ilosurusatenkaari children's art, 1.-2. paintings by graders
7.3.–2.4. Lielahti's pranks, 7th grade Illustrations
6.4.–7.5. Animal lovers, paintings by the participants of Rulla's Art classes
11.5.–20.6. Babies' color bath paintings

Free entry, welcome!
11.5.2024 - 20.6.2024
00.00 - 00.00
Kulttuuritalo Laikku, Keskustori 4, Tampere