Folk music jam sessions


18.00 - 19.45

Culture House Laikku, Music hall, Keskustori 4, 33100 Tampere

Folk music from us and from around the world. Come play, dance or listen! Note! On March 6th, there will also be dance lessons.

We will spend two hours in a relaxed atmosphere, playing music ourselves or listening in the audience, and you can even dance. The program includes instruments and songs from both Finland and around the world. The jams are organized by Pispalan Sottiis in collaboration with Manse OAS and Rahvisen kamujamit.

Note! On Thursday 6.3., dance lessons with live music, with themes of sottiis and polska from the basics. Teacher Petri Hoppu.

27.2.2025 18.00 - 19.45
6.3.2025 18.00 - 19.45
5.6.2025 18.00 - 19.45
Culture House Laikku, Music hall, Keskustori 4, 33100 Tampere