Yhdessä (Together) art exhibition

4.2.2025 - 26.2.2025

09.00 - 15.00

Gallen-Kallelan katu 1, 38210 Sastamala

Yhdessä (Together), children's and youth art exhibition at Kulttuuritalo Jaatsi (Cultural Centre of Sastamala), Pirkkaset.

Yhdessä (Together) children's and youth art exhibition at Kulttuuritalo Jaatsi (Cultural Centre on Sastamala). The exhibition is part of the Children's and Youth Culture Month, Pirkkaset 2025. The Children's Pirkkaset Culture Month is a joint children's culture festival of the municipalities of Pirkanmaa, which is held annually in February. There are art works from students of upper comprehensive schools of Sylvää and Äetsä and art students of Community college of Sastamala.
4.2.2025 - 26.2.2025
09.00 - 15.00
Gallen-Kallelan katu 1, 38210 Sastamala